How can I cancel a booking ?
To cancel your booking, please contact our Customer Care team by phone or email. If you have booked your tour through a third party distributor, please contact them directly to cancel or Re-book your tour.
How can I provide my feedback ?
We appreciate your feedback and within days of taking the tour, expect to receive an email requesting feedback of your experience.
What happens if I am late for my tour ?
Responsibility of all customers to be at the meeting point 15 minutes before departure. Customers arriving after departure cannot be accommodated & missed tours or tickets cannot be refunded.
Is there a dress code for entering churches featured in the tours ?
It necessary for men and women to cover your shoulders and knees when entering churches or the Vatican museums.
What is the minimum number of participants ?
We don't have a minimum number of participants.
Do you offer private tours ?
Currently we offer private tours in many destinations and can arrange many of our tours as private tours. If you are interested in a private tour please refer to the private tours offered online. If the private tour you are interested in, is not listed, please contact our Customer Care team.
Can I leave a review after my tour ?
Customer feedback is invaluable for us as it allows us to improve our tours and ensure that each of our guests has a wonderful experience. We welcome all sort of feedback, so please make sure you get in touch.
How will I recognize the guide ?
Our Rome tour guide or the coordinators will be waiting you at the meeting point holding a sign with the tour name.
Do you offer reduced rates for children ?
We do offer reduced rates for children on most of our tours, although the amount varies from tour to tour. When you are making a booking please note that the rate per child is displayed under the adult rate.