The Vatican Museums

The Vatican Museums are one of the finest museums in the world and are attractive to tourists in a different way. Also, discover the Sistine Chapel on your tour of the Vatican, as it is a separate state within a sovereign Rome.

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What can I tell you about Caligula?

He was a Roman Emperor, of whom some very strange tales have been told. His horse rose to become a senator under his rule. A close friend, his housecat, advised Caligula to deify himself as a cat, in the tradition of the Egyptians, claiming “the more hair the better!” Unfortunately, his master suffered from baldness. […]

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Do you feel boring ?huh

Lets see when the emperor Nero felt bored what his wife and gured offered him ! Nero often felt bored and moody; his guards and his wife would often search for something new to occupy the Emperor. They knew only the craziest charades would provoke his interest.  Falling in love with his freedman and shocking […]

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The story of The emperor Caligula and his horse

Is there anyone here who likes to ride horses? Caligula talks with his horse: “With all these Roman conspirators, you are the only friend sincere to me. That is why I love you”. “From today consider yourself my close friend”. The horse shakes his head, to show his acceptance. Caligula says to his horse, “from […]

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