travi fountian

It is one of the largest and oldest fountains in Rome, and it is considered a sacred place by the Italians. They believe that it is capable of fulfilling dreams and wishes, and they call it the Fountain of Fortune.

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Bocca Della verita

the mouse of truth Bocca Della verita It is a stone disc with a face with an open mouth. In the Middle Ages, they believed that it was a lie detector that would bite your hand when you put it in its mouth and lie. The Mouth of Truth is located in the side gate […]

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Piazza de popolo

Tourism in Rome depends on many tourist attractions, and the most prominent of these landmarks is the People’s Square, which is one of the squares of Rome that reflects the culture of this city on the ground, and based on the fame of this place, visitors may decide to visit the square, which is full […]

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What can I tell you about Caligula?

He was a Roman Emperor, of whom some very strange tales have been told. His horse rose to become a senator under his rule. A close friend, his housecat, advised Caligula to deify himself as a cat, in the tradition of the Egyptians, claiming “the more hair the better!” Unfortunately, his master suffered from baldness. […]

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Caravaggio Who was he ? he was a massive Italian painter He died only 36 Why he became famous 400 years later I’ll tell you His paintings combine a realistic observation of the human state, both physical and emotional, with a dramatic use of lighting, which had a formative influence on Baroque painting. Caravaggio was […]

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if you want paint a dramatic story, its great to use a contrast between light and dark That’s exactly what Caravaggio did

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