travi fountian

It is one of the largest and oldest fountains in Rome, and it is considered a sacred place by the Italians. They believe that it is capable of fulfilling dreams and wishes, and they call it the Fountain of Fortune.

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Via del Corso

Via del Corso is one of the most prominent streets in Rome. It is also part of a main and historical road. It is one of the most important commercial and marketing centers in Rome. The street is distinguished by a variety of shops and luxury international brands

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discover Rome by golf cart

discover Rome by golf cart, great decision to do first thing in Rome once you booking this experience you will see the sheet size of the city, and the number of amazing sites magical experience

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Bocca Della verita

the mouse of truth Bocca Della verita It is a stone disc with a face with an open mouth. In the Middle Ages, they believed that it was a lie detector that would bite your hand when you put it in its mouth and lie. The Mouth of Truth is located in the side gate […]

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Piazza de popolo

Tourism in Rome depends on many tourist attractions, and the most prominent of these landmarks is the People’s Square, which is one of the squares of Rome that reflects the culture of this city on the ground, and based on the fame of this place, visitors may decide to visit the square, which is full […]

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Things you need on your visit to Rome

What do you want when you visit Rome?In order to enjoy Rome, its beauty and its attractive landmarks, you do not need many things, which is to have only comfortable shoes, comfortable clothes to move around in, and a bottle of water when you take your tour, and in order to spend an enjoyable day […]

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The city of the seven hills and why was it given this name?

Rome was called the City of Seven Hills because Rome was located on seven hills and the historical city of Romulus was built on the Palatine Plateau. The reason for building Rome on a hill was to facilitate the defense of the city and control the banks of the Tiber River. As for the remaining […]

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Spanish steps

are the most famous stairs around the world. The stairs, which number 135 stairs, were designed in 1725 AD and these steps were made for Piazza die Spange, which is also one of the greatest squares around the world.

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The Vatican Museums

The Vatican Museums are one of the finest museums in the world and are attractive to tourists in a different way. Also, discover the Sistine Chapel on your tour of the Vatican, as it is a separate state within a sovereign Rome.

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Compo de fiori

This street is known as Compo de Fiori, one of the enjoyable places during a visit to Rome. It is considered one of the most famous streets in Rome, and it is located near Piazza Navona. This street during the day is a market for buying products, but at night it is a place that […]

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