
Who was he ?

  • he was a massive Italian painter
  • He died only 36
  • Why he became famous 400 years later
  • I’ll tell you
  • His paintings combine a realistic observation of the human state, both physical and emotional, with a dramatic use of lighting, which had a formative influence on Baroque painting.
  • Caravaggio was painted a lovely fruity picture with grabs,apples …etc
  • And also painted pictures for people having fun,playing cards and  telling fortunes
  • But he’s most famous dark dramatic picture Medusa
  • Bible story  beautiful judice people she didn’t like
  • The boy Davide showing us joint it after he knock him out
  • He was born time ago 1571,about the time of queen Elizabith
  • I’m gonna tell you everything interested  about Caravaggio and what he did?
  • His real name Michelangelo de Merisi
  • Drinking too much, fighting with other artists
  • Great news for him , despite of his bad behavious he he has got important  job of his carrier from the Cardinal
  • Who was it ?
  • He asked to decorate the inside church in Rome with 3 pictures of the story of S.Mathew
  • If you want paint a dramatic story,its great to use a contrast between light and dark 
  • His paintings combine a realistic observation of the human state, both physical and emotional, with a dramatic use of lighting,Caravaggio employed close physical observation with a dramatic use of chiaroscuro that came to be known as tenebrism. He made the technique a dominant stylistic element, darkening shadows and transfixing subjects in bright shafts of light. Caravaggio vividly expressed crucial moments and scenes, often featuring violent struggles, torture, and death. He worked rapidly, with live models, preferring to forgo drawings and work directly onto the canvas. His influence on the new Baroque style that emerged from Mannerism was profound
  • That’s exactly what Caravaggio did
  • Caravaggio is also known that he use normal people not just  beautiful model, but ugly people too with big nose,etc
  • Painter bad temper, was getting alot of troubles and often one fight, he did more than knock someone  he actually killed him
  • Major disaster
  • He had to go on the run
  • He escape to small island called Malta, he painted S.Jon for a church and every one was very impressed
  • But with caravaggio trouble  never faraway and wasn’t long be far another punshop and seriously injured the priest, he was arrested and thrown to the prison, but he managed to escape
  • He decided to go back to Rome to ask for a parden for the murder
  • Again more bad luck for Caravaggio he couldn’t leave his violent behind him
  • One day out of the Bar, he was attacked with horribly slash of the face in revenge of fight in Malta
  • He so badly heard he just couldn’t recover and was later trying to back to Rome
  • His body was found dead near to porto ercole,Grosseto
  • Don’t forget about Caravaggio, he was brilliant painter, energetic, dramatic, dangerous life