The average day of the gladiator in ancient Rome.
Two men ready their weapons. An excited crowd of Romans cheer loudly in anticipation. Both combatants realize full well that this day might be their last. They are gladiators, men who fight to the death for the enjoyment of others. As the two gladiators circle each other, each knows that his objective is to maim […]
🏟Do you know where the world’s oldest Roman amphitheater is located?
If you think it’s Colosseum, you are wrong! Pompeii’s amphitheater is the oldest surviving building of its kind in the Roman world! @yankakitayanka Tour guide Napoli Join us!🇮🇹 #naples #pompeii #rome #italy #rometourguide #travel #traveler #travelrome #explore #bhfyp #beautiful #beautifuldestinations #joinus #followus #travelphotography #travelgram #igdaily #vacation #traveller #photooftheday #instatravel #instagood #wanderlust #history #culture #guidedtour […]
The craziest Emperor of Rome. Nero
the craziest Emperor of Rome. Nero. The man was a self proclaimed famous theater actor, poet, champion at every public game. He’s the emperor who burned Rome to the ground to make room for a second house for himself. He’s like many other emperors in that he killed his mother, wife, and various other peers. […]
The story of The emperor Caligula and his horse
Is there anyone here who likes to ride horses? Caligula talks with his horse: “With all these Roman conspirators, you are the only friend sincere to me. That is why I love you”. “From today consider yourself my close friend”. The horse shakes his head, to show his acceptance. Caligula says to his horse, “from […]
Why did Pompey choose Egypt for refuge?
He received a message from his agent that there was a civil war in Egypt between Ptolemy and his sister and wife Cleopatra VII, whom he had deposed and exiled . Why was Pompey assassinated? The King of Egypt did not want Pompey to become more powerful while making Caesar an enemy. If turned away, […]