Lets see when the emperor Nero felt bored what his wife and gured offered him !

Nero often felt bored and moody; his guards and his wife would often search for something new to occupy the Emperor. They knew only the craziest charades would provoke his interest.  Falling in love with his freedman and shocking some by marrying him was another one of these pastimes in which he found some respite from his moody boredom. One freedman of the Roman Emperor participated in a marriage ceremony in which Nero himself played the bride. A bridal veil was put over the emperor; the public witnessed the regular requirements of a marriage, witnesses, the wedding dower, couch and nuptial torches. Nero seemed to have brought one of his theater plays to life. Homosexuality was common and accepted in the Roman Empire, but an Emperor had never married his lover. It’s likely that this scene produced more amusement than shock for onlookers.